It is if you aren't going to go on about how the lee boy isn't in it, or be just another overly critical jack-ass and take the movie as it is, a movie.. with one character(two if you count the cat) from the original.
It really has nothing to do with that story.
The guys who made it checked with people who liked the first crow movie when they were writing it, took that feedback and made the movie. The creator of the comic was involved in the making of this movie, the people who acted in it all did really the best they could do.
If you want an expierence like the first crow movie, go buy the first crow movie. If you want a new story, a new feel, a new movie in that world get city of angels it IS worth 15 whole bucks.
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, or insanity to anyone. But they've always worked for me.