Scream Factory

I really wish they would give this a DVD/Blue Ray release at some point. They focus on horror/slasher classics and sequels that get shat on a good basis, this fits perfect in the latter.

They need to at least release the original non edited by Miramax film as an option; like they did with Halloween 2's TV cut or The Producer's Cut of Halloween 6. From what I heard for the producer's cut they did a good job of fixing it and making it look legit. They could easily do the same here.

Plus it would be fun to have a documentary that's rather truthful about how idiotic Miramax was when it came to interfering with the film. Both Tim Pope and Goyer will prob go on camera and admit their hate for the final film and all that jazz. Plus I would love to hear from Vincent Perez, he never does many interviews talking about this movie. The making of doc on the 2001 DVD was okay but it just felt weird. It had to have been done before Miramax forced edits on the movie and Pope/Goyer seem a little more optimistic before it was released.

Anything's better than the newest dvd versions of this movie.


I would love a special edition as well, but I'm afraid Jeff Most (the Producer of the film) will prevent any such release.




Why would he stop it ?


Jeff Most was/is notorious for being a horse's ass to when it comes to terms of DVD/BR releases. In 2001 for the DVD and 2011 for the Blu Ray of the original he flat out ruined what potential both those releases had to have good releases. Both Alex Proyas and several guys on the crew participated for a commentary,and had pictures/video of behind the scenes for the DVD release they wanted to include. Most whined to Miramax (which was in the process of doing Crow 4 then,) that if they didn't take their supplements off he would take the series rights to another studio, Miramax caved and took his side. Instead came two mediocre documentaries and a bland as hell and even painful at times commentary from Most. In 2011 they started plans for the first blu ray release. They decided to do some new documentaries and several subjects from another profile on O'barr to the making of the film as well as one about how they coped with Brandon's death. Plus they were considering a new commentary track. But once again Most came in and whined and ruined it all over again. He did allow a commentary with Proyas though, that's the one minor victory in it.

Turns out though Most wasn't a man of his word and he sold the rights anyways to another studio. Hopefully at some point he will get a life and quit complaining over the home video releases. He's one of the biggest reasons why the series declined so much, his ego couldn't handle it.
