MovieChat Forums > The Craft (1996) Discussion > Robin Tunney and Kristen Stewart

Robin Tunney and Kristen Stewart

Okay, I've seen some people online draw parallels between the two actresses looks-wise. I kinda see it, kinda don't.

Robin Tunney is the better actress of the two, but if they remade The Craft now, I could see them trying to make Kristen 'Sarah.' They both nail that 'bored teenager stare,' the fine line between tomboyish and girlie, the hair, the paleness, the illusion of looking younger than their true age, etc.

I don't want the movie remade, ever. I'm just sayin' - kind of like Christine Taylor being a good fit as Marcia Brady looks-wise (but not necessarily the best at playing the role), I could see Kristen being cast based on her somewhat similar appearance to Robin.

I've never watched a Kristen Stewart movie. The closest I've gotten is watching the Cinema Sins episodes for each Twilight movie, lol.



I could definitely see them casting her as Sarah if they remade it, which apparently they are doing but there isn't a cast yet. I really don't want them to as it is fine as is.

I've seen all of the Twilight movies and read the books, and I thought Kristen Stewart was ok. People give her an awful lot of shît for her acting in those films, but she was playing the moody teenager. I only really liked Twilight and Eclipse, because the rest were quite boring and teenage soap opera-ish.

In my opinion, I wouldn't want to see anyone else in the roles. The original actresses were great, even if we don't see them too much today. However, I can see little similarities between Stewart and Robin Tunney.
