It's not very good...your opinion I mean.
Courage Under Fire is a fine film but it quivers, pale and meak, under the epic shadow cast by the magnificence that is Braveheart.
It's sad to hear actual, honest to goodness, sentient beings with life sustaining plasma coursing through their carcasses, be unable (or unwilling) to grasp theses simple but indelible, inalienable...irrefutable, truths.
I shall weep for you today RockmSockM09. Yours is a cautionary tale ripe with all the hallmarks of squandered potential and great tragidy. Sad indeed.
I pray God grant you the wisdom to discern and turn away from the blissful path of ignorance and embrace the hard true light that is Mel Gibson's Breaveheart, before all is lost. With all my heart, brave or otherwise, amen.