MovieChat Forums > Courage Under Fire (1996) Discussion > Is this movie worth seeing?

Is this movie worth seeing?

I haven't seen this movie yet. Is it worth seeing?


The movie is worth seeing, if you like war-time movies that focus on the characters rather than the war (special effects, explosions, etc) itself.

Although the acting may be a little over the top and even though it is just a movie, it really shows just how much of a farce the media is making of the whole Jessica Lynch situation.

Do you understand the words that a-comin' outta my mouth?





Most definatly. It is a great film on many different levels, but most importantly it is a very well-written piece about the importance of truth.


Its a great movie which is very sad, but also gives you a sense of being proud to be human.

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist



Why not see it and make up your own mind?
Some very bitter people troll these boards,
and I would be very concerned about taking
their judgment.



I rewatched this last night and had forgotten what a good film it was. Really enjoyed it.


I'm not sure you're worth seeing it.
