I think this Year for Christmas we should all keep each other updated on when CHRSITMAS EVERYDAY is airing on t.v, i havent seen this movie in years and I'm always hoping their going to show it. I'll do my part to help out with letting you guys know what networks are going to be airing this movie.
eflo, I'd check back here in about 8 months seeing as it's usually shown only once or twice a year...usually a week or two before christmas.
In the meantime, you ought to bone up on your boozing skills so you can drink your friends under the table during the christmas everyday drinking game.
Well the listings for the 25 Days of Christmas are out, and Christmas Everyday is not on there. However, it doesn't have the movies that are on during the day on the weekends, just the ones at night, so we still have hope. If I don't see this movie, it won't feel like Christmas, I've been watching this movie every year since I was a kid! I hope it's on so I can record it and have it! Otherwise I hope they release it somehow!
According to sitcomsonline: ABC's full 25 days of christmas Saturday, December 6 7am Step by Step (Christmas) 7:30am Christmas Every Day 9:30am Home Alone 3 11:30am Home Alone 4 1:30pm Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 5pm Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 9pm Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 12am Home Alone 3 http://www.sitcomsonline.com/boards/showpost.php?p=4056760&postcount=62 I'm from England so I'm waiting to see if FIVE air it like they normally do but because i saw it, I thought i'd hook everyone up.
Giles - "What ever happened to Latin? At least when that made no sense, the church approved"
Thanks! That's probably true :) I remember last year it was on at 7:30 one morning and I woke myself up in order to watch it. I have to make sure I dvr it, because that's the weekend before finals for me, so I will not be watching this movie at 7:30 am, but then I'll have it at home :) Again thanks so much!!!
hey guys i checked the 25 days of christmas list alredy , wow their only showing it one time and , they know people love it but their putting it on so early ill have to tape it... i work on saturdays
I can confirm the airing on Saturday the 6th of December at 7:30am on ABC Family channel as well.
I remember this show being on several times the last couple of years and part of me not liking it, but now...that I have been thinking about it...I actually think it's pretty good and look forward to seeing it on Saturday 12/06/08.