The good old days

I was reading the messages boards thinking about how much I miss christmas everyday, and the old fox family's 25 days of christmas when they didn't show harry potter for halloween and christmas. nothing against it I just dont think it is a christmas movie. I also love Willy wonka but they do it the same. My point is since ABC has taken over they have tooken alot of good movies off or remade them, I don't know about you guys but I miss the old ones. I was just wondering if anyone wasnt feeling the ABC family's 25 days of christmas either?


I agree! I LOVE Harry Potter, but why waste time they could be using to play Christmas movies? Also, what's with the Princess Diaries being on the 25 days of Christmas. It's like the least Christmassy movie ever!

RIP All Deathly Hallowers
When The Rich Wage War Its The Poor Who Die


ironically Billy is also in the Princess Diaries as the jock.
So they had the right actor, wrong film!


I always loved watching this movie, too... it was always one of my favorites... and I totally agree that neither Harry Potter nor The Princess Diaries belong in the 25 Days of Christmas... I wish I'd had sense enough to record it years ago...

...Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he doesn't become a monster...


i just wrote something on another post about how the 25 days of christmas sucks these days!! I miss all the old ones, they were so much better than the crap they play now ...


I totally agree! I miss the days where all they played during the 25 Days of Christmas were the Rankin and Bass classics and movies like Christmas Everyday, the Christmas List, Borrowed Hearts, etc. I was so angry when I found out that all my favorite Christmas movies were only going to be on during the countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas and not during the actual 25 Days, but I begged my parents to get DVR so I could record everything and they were nice enough to humor me, so now I have tapings of all my favorites that I can enjoy again and again! And I also was very sad when I saw that the Princess Diaries(what kind of a Christmas movie is that?), Mary Poppins(I love this movie but it's not a Christmas movie!), and the Incredibles(COME ON! Showing this on Christmas day is the worst decision they have made yet!) were going to be on more than the regular movies, but I bet if everyone wrote in a letter to ABC Family about how much they dislike all the non-Christmas movies maybe they'll actually listen to us and quit showing them!


the old fox family's 25 days of christmas when they didn't show harry potter for halloween and christmas.

Seriously, what is the deal with showing Harry Potter for Halloween and Christmas? That's been irritating me a lot recently. And, like another person pointed out, The Incredibles.
It's a matter of land.


some stuff is ok , not everythings bad, but they have taken off a lot of the movies evreypne remembers and really that you feel its not christmas without. I hope abc family realizes "harry Potter weekend" should be for Halloween and not christmas.


i don't even watch the 25 days of christmas anymore, i just get on the computer and watch all my old favorites. i've never been a big fan of harry potter, just personal opinion, and i agree. just because they have a-what-ten minute scene where they celebrate christmas? that doesn't make it a christmas movie....halloween, okay, christmas? give me a break. and, last time i heard (as i said, i don't even bother with it anymore), they just have to show all the harry potter movies. like really? that's hours you've wasted showing non-christmas movies on the 25 days of christmas. i think they even stopped showing the claymation movies, didn't they? i remember growing up, you turned on the 25 days of christmas adn you had at least a 2/3's chance of turning on a claymation movie. they instantly told you that christmas was here. the miser brothers are one of the first things i think about when i think christmas, and one year i kept checking, and they really didn't show any of the classics at all. it's kind of sad. i'm not sure if they started playing the classics again, but i'd like to snuggle up on the couch with my kids in teh future and watch the old christmas classics that really get you excited for the holidays, not harry potter.

I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl <3 RHCP


tooken lol
