Surprise Ending?

I rented this film a while ago and just remember not liking it all that much, i think the only one i liked was "People can Lick Too", anyway, i recently found out about a "Surprise Ending" for the segment "The Campfire", that i guess i never saw. Could someone tell me what the surprise is, as i don't really have any intention of renting this again, but maybe someday i will. Thanks ahead of time.

I Mean, Who Needs A Serial Psycho With A Chainsaw When We Have Ourselves?



at the end of the movie the kids go out to the road to check on their car and see if help has arrived. when they get there they find ambulances and the paramedics are loading their bodies up. they were dead the entire time.


And if you wait until right after the credits are listed, you see the car from "The Hook" drive up. An arm hangs out of the door with a hook on the end of it. Did anyone else not see the ending coming?

Sara: A fake ID is for scamming a casino. A baller puts his real name on a rolley.


To elaborate a little on shaneo6930's explanation. Cliff saw some lights as they were sitting around the campfire. Figuring it was help, he ran up to the road to find nothing. When he went back to campfire, nobody was there. He starting yelling "where is everybody", when another light shined on him, this time right in his eyes, blinding him. The scene suddenly fades to him on a stretcher with paramedics trying to revive him, and shining a flashlight in his eyes to see if there was any life in him. Then you see a cop tell to another "look what I found in the car" holding beer cans. Cliff, as a ghost, was witnessing all of this including the paramedics failed attempt to revive him as well as seeing his 3 other friends in body bags. He now realized he had killed them by driving drunk. Suddenly his 3 friends showed up, as ghosts like him, and they hugged him and said good-bye, as he shamefully cried and apologized for what he had done.
Not the best movie, but I really liked the twist ending.


Yes... and the paramedics and cops are all people from the stories...

Ha Ha! I just made you waste 4 seconds of your life. Tool.


I saw that james marsden was in the hook segment but you said its at the end where is he in the movie

"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."
