MovieChat Forums > Brassed Off (1996) Discussion > Brassed Off the stage play

Brassed Off the stage play

I am a very big fan of the movie Brassed Off. I just found out that a stage play of Brassed Off is going to be on at the New Theatre Royal in Portsmouth UK. I am going to go and see it. I think it will be fun. Is the stage show any good? I know it will not be the same as the movie. If anyone has seen the stage show some info about it would be good? I know that it will not be the smae as the movie.


I am in a performance of the stage play in Tasmania Australia. Said to be the first staging in the southern hemisphere. I find the translation to stage to be very effective. There is a bigger part for the kid and the player roles have been condensed from 6 to 5 roles, but it is very true to the film. It is however darker in its scripting I feel, particularly at the end (without giving away spoilers).

Our first show is this Friday, so wish us luck.


OMG! I saw a stage play of it today at the 'Oldham coliseum' and i thought it was bloody brilliant!...i loved it...i would totally recommend it to anyone lol! xx :)

Madeline: Earnest! ass...I can see MY ASS!!


As there is very little likelihood of it ever hitting the theatres where I am .... I was wondering if anyone could please share with me the significant changes in the storyline and the new ending.

Please ....
