Aghhhh, can't believe that i liked this
i can't believe that i'm even admitting this as i'm MALE!!, but lets face it, no one will ever know who i am anyway so who cares? i thought this was really sweet but in a good way. there are some films like this that i like, four weddings and a funeral being one. but i was really shocked when there was nothing else on and i sat through this and really liked it. the ending just gets to you, granted it is just like every other happy ending but i genunily wanted them to get together and when she came to him and for a second thought that he was with someone else, his sister was there - not like that - but the talk they had, made me feel, i'm not even going to say all of it, but it made me feel good. recomended that all you men sit there with your better half and watch it, you might just get a surprise.