MovieChat Forums > Bed of Roses (1996) Discussion > A new DVD needs to come out with deleted...

A new DVD needs to come out with deleted scenes....

This is one of my favorite movies; my husband and I watch it all the time. I hate knowing there are great scenes out there that I haven't seen! Such as scenes that go more in depth into his wife and marriage and also the bed of roses scene. :) Well, more like a table of roses.


Really now? Where did you get that information. I personally love this movie. Would love to see those.


There were 3 scenes in the trailer that weren't in the movie. That's where the info is from.


Thank you, I appreciate it.



If you can catch it on TV, sometimes they show some of those scenes.


uhm..when have you seen this?

ive caught this movie MANY MANY times on t.v...and i have NEVER seen these scenes

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."-George Bush
a.k.a retard?


TNT used to run it once in awhile and their version had scenes that didn't make the dvd cut.


Can you post the link to where ever you found the DVD with these deleted scenes, I have been dying to see them.


I just recently bought the dvd and sadly it doesnt have special features...bugs me when dvds dont have special features....Some times in movie trailers they show scenes that didnt make it to the final cut of the film, they end up on the cutting room floor for whatever reason. Sometimes you can be lucky to find them on dvd or maybe youtube if anyone out there has the dvd and has kindly put them on youtube for everyone too see.....
