MovieChat Forums > Bed of Roses (1996) Discussion > Who else was upset when

Who else was upset when

Lisa turned down Lewis's proposal? Ugggh he may have rushed it a bit, but he truly loved her. Instead of freaking out, she should've said yes! She had severe trust issues. Hopefully at the end of the movie when he forgave her, they ended up getting married anyway.


It been awhile but I think I was at first. The more I watched the movie the more I agreed with Lisa. They were living in a fantasy and moving fast with her avoiding her issues. She clearly wasn't comfortable with being loved and was very skittish. I feel like he probably should have talked with her about marriage before proposing in front of his family who were strangers to her. He also should have considered several things about her, especially after she came clean to him about her past the previous night. If he had, he probably would have proposed to her differently. I felt bad for Lisa though. Like she said he had a household of family who loved him without question but she was abandoned at 3 mos, no birthday and raised by a disinterested foster father. No wonder she had issues and felt unloved and felt strange at his large close knitted family. So it was best she said no until she felt more comfortable with it. It was better that way than her feeling trapped in a situation she was not comfortable in. In the end I think they did get married though.


There really was not a lot of time from when Lewis found Lisa's memorabilia box, started questioning and Lisa's confession that evening to them leaving for their trip the next morning. He already had bought the ring. In Lewis's home, he knew she was uncomfortable and was very attentive to her the whole time, but the romantic side of him decided to go forward with the proposal which broke me up as well the first time I saw it. And though I wanted to hear Lisa say "yes" at that moment, given her tragic past how could her reaction have been any different. I was very impressed with Mary's acting while in the home, trying to stay reserved but you could see beyond this to a woman who was struggling with absorbing the abundance of family life that she never had. Superb acting. I was so happy for Lisa that Lewis's family welcomed her so wholeheartedly.
