Love Rollercoaster

I just love this song so much and love the music video even more

I have this song stuck in my head all the time I don't know it makes everything happy for some strange reason and now my mind made some strange lyrics and instead of flea singing

"Move it over dad 'cause I'm a double-dipper!
Upside down on the zip-zip-zipper"

the voice is of some over happy foreign guy singing

"I's from Sweden, I's from France
I loves the ladies I loves romance"

anyone have any ideas on how the rest of the lyrics should go?

I think it's because my mind is cosplaying skwisgaar and Toki a lot lately so my language is getting messed up, any ideas on how the rest of song may go if a happy foreign guy was singing it?


Is this music video on the special edition dvd? I love the video too and I've only found it on


The VHS version the movie I bought had the music video before the movie if I remember rightly (my copy got stolen) and I am in the UK, I can't speak for the dvd...

every film has a begining, middle and an end, but not always in that order



Please. The "scream" on the Ohio Player's version was a long time rumor that's been proven false YEARS ago. It deosn't even sound like someone being killed. What a stupid rumor.
