Official word regarding a sequel..

Q: You've still got at least a year, but are you going to miss Hank Hill?

Judge: I don't know. It's hard to say. I probably will. There was a while when I didn't think I would miss Beavis and Butthead, but I kind of definitely miss doing that. And even though I'm not eager to sign up for more, there are times where I kind of go, "Oh, that was fun." It would be fun to do a little bit of that again. But I have done a little bit of it again and it happened with Hank. I think cartoon characters have a way of coming back from the dead all the time.

Q: Did they ask you to do more Beavis?

Judge: Yes, there's been a lot of interest in a sequel to the movie. And I did some stuff for the Video Music Awards last year, and we've got these DVDs coming out. So I've actually been looking at a lot of Beavis and Butthead lately for these DVD volumes.

Q: You would entertain, though, the idea of doing it again?

Judge: Yes, not a full-blown show again, but something with them would be fun.

From an interview with IGN a year and a half ago



That would RULE! Lol
The movie ("" Do America) was great. As was the show!

Trust me,


Please Mike Judge give us another beavis and butthead movie!


I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would love to see another movie


To collingossard : That interview was a year and a half ago. I'm wondering if you, or any other B & B fan, has any updated sequel news?? Let me know, if you do....thanks.


I cant believe a sequa was never made. The move was great and it made a lot of money.


Beavis and Butt-Head Do America was apparently the record holder for highest opening weekend of all-time for a year until Titanic took the top spot. So yeah. It made the Moo-Lah.

"Stupid Banana-Raincoat-Wearin' B****."



Any time Judge, just make it 2D.


Get on with it Judge!


Mike doesn't sound too much like Beavis and Butt-head anymore. I heard him voicing the guys on an MTV informercial (which they somehow got Billy Dee Williams to star in) promoting the B&B DVD, and they sounded different. Beavis' voice was deeper, for example.


Cinematical: Are there any characters you've developed that we've seen that you'd enjoy revisiting?

Judge: I still feel like it might be fun to do something with Beavis and Butt-Head someday. And then sometimes I'll be watching TV and I'll think, it's too bad Idiocracy wasn't a TV show because I'll come up with ideas that would have been fun to do if it was an ongoing thing. Same thing with Beavis and Butt-Head -- awhile back, a writer I was working with, we were talking about the agony of buying a new car and all the tactics car salesmen do, and thinking, man, that would be fun, to have Beavis and Butt-Head buying a car and see all of those tactics, how none of them would work on those guys.

sept. 2 09
