Transition from TV to Beg-Screen!

To transit from television to movie, the first few minutes of any film should set the standards and they do so without fail; the ambiguous tone of music during the opening credits gives a sense of something epic is about to occur. This is then followed by a typical monster movie setup, the civilians rushing away from the oncoming force - in steps the 100 foot Butthead - and the army feebly battling against him as he reigns destruction; having a character that notoriously sits on a sofa and moves very little has already began to visually show this is a movie and continues through into the 1970’s cop drama montage, credit cast and crew of the movie. The referencing of film and television does convey these two know nothing outside of TV, but unfortunately not much is mentioned later on, which is a shame. No pop-culture, movie or music references made by the characters themselves; I’m not suggesting the level of wit you would see in an Edgar Wright movie, but just something simple and base to convey these two are dominated by this lifestyle. Another key ingredient for the transition is our introduction to them in real-time; there TV is missing! B&B’s show depended entirely on there information fed through this tube so without this, these characters are lost. This forces them to attempt grander activities and reinstates this movie will be a stark contrast to the animated series.

Full review, check it out


No pop culture or music refernces made by sure about that?
Perhaps you should re-watch?

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


There was the music montage during there trip to Las Vegas and from what i can recollect, we got situations involving there need for TV, but to me pop-culture reference is something similar to Human Traffic, Kevin Smith movies etc. where people speak about such references; after the intro, there really isn't much afterwards...
