The Peyote Scene

Probably the best peyote experience depicted by a movie I have ever seen, what did everyone else think?



It's good, but I dont really think it fits in with the rest of the movie.

911 Operator: Sir, do you want to save your friends life!?!
Beavis: He's not really my friend...


It's good, but I dont really think it fits in with the rest of the movie.

Originally it was not part of the movie at all.
The only reason it is there is due to the producers wanting a bit like the TV show where they sit down and watch a music vid. The original idea was to have them go into a cinema and rag on a film.

Mike Judge was always against it as he felt it would break up the flow of the movie.
My views on the scene mirror Mike's when he says it's the best and worst part of the movie.

It's great as it does look amazing. But as you say it's bad as it does not fit the film at all.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


The style was sort of similar to that scene in King of The Hill when Hank was afraid of that group of neighborhood teens after they trounced Hank and his buddies at paintball. Great shot of characters laughing so hard that their mouths open to the point where the tops of their heads nearly fall off.

Also, there was that episode of "The Simpsons" when Homer ate the Guatemalan insanity peppers, and was hallucinating.
