Order these shows by greatness

These are all animated shows. The Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, The Critic, Ren and Stimpy. My order is

1. The Simpsons
2. Futurama
3. South Park
4. King of the Hill
5. The Critic
6. Beavis and Butthead
7. Family Guy
8. Ren and Stimpy


lol Futurama 2nd???

And where the hell is Duck Man?

Eye - Warship - Satin


Alright, out of these:

1. South Park
2. Futurama
3. Ren and Stimpy
4. The Simpsons
5. Beavis and Butthead
6. King of the Hill
7. Family Guy

And I have never seen The Critic...


1. South Park
2. Beavis and Butthead
3. Ren and Stimpy
4. King of the Hill
5. Futurama
6. The simpsons
7. Family Guy

Dictionary.com ppl


1. The Simpsons
2. Family Guy
3. South Park
4. Beavis and Butthead (Not far behind SP)
5. Futurama
6. King of the Hill
7. The Critic
8. Ren and Stimpy


1. Beavis and Butthead
2. Ren and Stimpy
3. South Park
4. The Simpsons
5. The Critic
6. King of the Hill
7. Family Guy
8. Futurama


1. The Simpsons
2. South Park
3. King of the Hill
4. Futurama
5. Family Guy
6. Beavis and Butthead

Never saw enough of
7. The Critic
8. Ren and Stimpy



1. The Simpsons - You have to give props to a show that was founded in the the 'Life is hell' and 'Akbar and Jeff' underground humor and it is still relevant over 20+ years later. It is near the end but you still have to give props.

2. South Park - Always cutting edge and going after everyone and anything. It lost a lot once it lost Chef and it is also getting near the end. I though once it got the big screen movie it would be done.

3. Family Guy - For not dying and now being the big kid on the block. Maybe because it references everything I grew up with but it is the best.

4. Beavis and Butthead - This was really the godfather of the modern over the top satire. The Simpsons took it to a line but this show went way over. It looks tame and dated by today's standards. It is almost hard to believe how big this was once.

5. Ren and Stimpy - It was great goofy and cult classic fun. When my nieces watch Sponge Bob and the cartoon with the sailor kid? the animation and jokes are totally Ren and Stimpy style minus the fart jokes.

6. Futurama - You have to give credit for another show that wouldn't die. It is clean safe fun but original. The show still is fresh and is open to going in any direction.

7. The Critic - This is a true bummer. This could have been a GREAT companion to Family Guy. It was a little more serious and had John Lovitz. It died to young a death to move any higher. Remember the appearance on the Simpsons?

8. King of the Hill - I give credit to Mike Judge to going from Beavis and Butthead to a good family show. It wasn't bad but it could have been a real sitcom. It was a good show but very forgetful.


1. South Park
2. Ren and Stimpy
3. Beavis and Butthead
4. The Simpsons
5. Futurama
6. Family Guy
7. King of the Hill
8. The Critic



1. South Park
2. King of the Hill
3. The Simpsons
4. Beavis and Butt-head
5. Futurama
6. Ren and Stimpy
7. The Critic
8. Family Guy


1. Beavis and Butt-Head
2. South Park
3. The Simpsons
4. Ren and Stimpy
5. Family Guy
6. Futurama
7. King of the Hill
8. The Critic

Who Is Driving?! Oh No! Bear! Bear Is Driving! How Can That Be??!!


1. The Simpsons (Seasons 1-8)
2. Beavis and Butthead
3. Futurama
4. King of the Hill
5. South Park
6. Family Guy (Seasons 1-2)
7. The Simpsons (9-12)
8. The Critic
9. Ren and Stimpy
10. Family Guy (Seasons...the rest)
11. The Simpsons (Seasons 13-present)

Killing people is easy...if you can forget the taste of sugar.


Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... you're fuhked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your sh!t's all retarded.
