MovieChat Forums > Barb Wire (1996) Discussion > Question about DVD commentary

Question about DVD commentary


Recently, a friend of mine made me watch this with him once and after I sat through this movie, it was 2 hrs. of my life I can never get back.

However, I still don't understand one thing: exactly how did that lady in the General or Colonel or whatever's lab like place, where she was wearing a metal headpiece and bikini hooked to an electric machine, know all this stuff about that Cora lady they were looking for? She knew who had the lenses, that the lady changed her face with plastic surgery, where they were going and what was going on, and the guy seemed to know her, saying something like, "You're so beautiful. I'm sorry." Then he pushes a button and kills her with a big electric shock -- charming.

Was she one of the doctors present when that plastic surgery took place? Was she friends with the Cora whatever lady? Did she know that General/Colonel/whatever guy at all? They never explained how this lady knew what she did - she's just a lady with all the plot details necessary to get the story (or extremely lack thereof) going before she's fried. I feel bad for the poor actress - she gets a four minute roll wearing an electrified bathing suit and, sadly, gives the most convincing performance of the movie by doing little more than explain and writhe against restraints.

I heard there was a commentary for the movie you could hear. Did it explain anything about this scene at all? If anything was said about the sequence, what was mentioned? Does anyone know?

Of course, I kind of feel bad for Pam Anderson that she had to do this movie.

FAN: "Miss Anderson, could you autograph my copy of the 'Barb Wire' script, please?"

PAM: "Sure, anything for a fan of mi - waitaminnit, there was a SCRIPT?"

"You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." (Eric Bana as Bruce Banner - "Hulk")

