30 whole minutes of more crap? I seriously hope not. Also, it was a big action flick, so if 30 minutes were cut then I kinda doubt all of them had finished special effects. Most of them would have to be very rough cuts lacking proper editing.
The only real differences I know of in this movie are between the R and Unrated versions where we actually see the worn out boobs of a worn out softcore porn star that we've already seen a hundred times before in much better condition. And the intro sequence isnt much longer it just shows cuts where her breasts are exposed instead of barely covered. Basically the same movie.
Even if you are a fan of this flick, I would recommend watching the blu-ray from Netflix first before you go out and buy it. A lot of these poorly received movies from the mid 90's do NOT get a good hi-def transfer. They are done cheap and quick to cash in on Blu-ray mania.