
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit (great werewolf!) but I found Michael Pare's use of the word "Sis" pretty annoying. Not the word itself, but the fact that he said it 10,000 times during a 1 hr 20 min movie. (Although he did actually call her Janet once he transformed into the werewolf--go figure.)


i think that it was supopse to be like that. He calls her sis throughout the film, but when he changes he becomes someone else, and hence that is why he call her by her name.

You're a good boy, Tommy. Grow up to be a good man. Because if you don't... I'll be waiting.


It was a little weird. Did the screenwriter not have any female siblings? I have four and address them by their first names. Although my youngest sister insists that I ocasionally call her "my little sweetheart" AWWWW :)
