Read the novel.

The writing is a bit rough at points, but he really gets across something about the way dogs perceive us, and their role in their human families. The horror story is really just a pretext to look at how much they give us, and how little they really get in return, most of the time. It's a dog story, not a werewolf story. That's where the movie falls short, because they thought the werewolf was the selling point.


I agree, getting a e-copy or tracking down a print copy (i did) is a well made decision.

Thor himself is the heart of what makes this story so well enjoyable. While the film decided to adapt it without a narration from Thor's perspective, it did rob it of some of it's structure.

While it's still very fun to see Thor take it to Ted, overall it's why the novel is better and more enjoyable. Quite frankly it may benefit some people to see the film first and then read the book, as you'll get treated to seeing the whole thing unravel from the thought points of the dog.

But as you said you are right, it's a dog story that just so happens to involve a werewolf, the werewolf in this case isn't the selling point of the story. It's pretty much the same vain, A Christmas Carol is a ghost story, yes ghosts are involved, but they are not the selling point.

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Does the book have the werewolf changing at any moon?


It's never fully stated but it's hinted at that Ted can only change by the full moon. Thor notes that Ted was staying with the Pack for about a month when he follows his scent out into the woods one night. He also notes that the Bad Thing he's been sensing is no longer coming but is now there. It's then he comes face-to-face with Ted handcuffed to the tree only, of course, Ted is no longer himself but a full fledge Lycan. It's also interesting that the author describes the werewolf as having a distinct nose and mouth and not a traditional snot like Thor's so I'm assuming that Ted looks more like the old school Hollywood Wolfman than The Howling or An American Werewolf In London.
