
Does it rank with the original Amityville movie? I saw a few parts of it about six years ago, nothing that I was very interested in. Someone who has seen it, is it as good as the first and second?

Feed my eyes, can you sew them shut?
Jesus Christ, deny your maker-Man In The Box


I'm actually watching it right now on UPN-53 and I've only been watching the last hour or so. I can't believe I'm still keeping it on this channel-the only reason I'm still watching is to see if they kill Jimmy's father (the zombie). This movie is pretty darn awful.


Why this film was even made is beyond any comprehension. The original Amityville Horror wasn't even a worthy enough film to warrant any sequel, much less a hoard of them!
The only attribute this movie holds is in the uncut version (video/DVD-chapter 10). There's a very nice boobie scene of a young Lisa Robin Kelly, aka Laurie Foreman/That 70's Show. She alone, actually made this pile of crap worth watching.




man i love that song. alice in chains rule

Van Damage
