This had such potential
This could have been a really great movie if they would have followed the original book. The book had so many touching moments that easily could have gone into a live-action film.
The fact that Pongo and Missus were the married dogs and Perdita was a foster mother would have been great to add. The meeting of the old dog who lived with his master and gave them sweet hot tea and toast with butter and then the dog's master woke up and thought the dalmations were ghosts from his youth was a touching moment.
The church where the puppies found a little "puppy-sized dog bed" was such a great touch in the book.
How about showing the terror they felt as Cruella was chasing them as real terror and not a slapstick comedy? Kids are smart enough to get it. Give them a chance.
The relationships between all the dogs they met on the road to Suffolk was what made the book so great.
Less slapstick and a more faithful following of the book could have made this Disney's masterpiece and it would have appealed to older audiences as well as kids.
The animated version is great for the kids, but the book is so much deeper and still workable.