As other people have pointed out, Anita was fired, but I think she would have quit anyway. What I found disturbing to the extreme was the fact that Anita's choice to be a housewife was (rightfully) validated, but the choice to be a childless career woman was vilified in the personification of Cruella DeVil. I know Cruella is supposed to be evil. She kills puppies, for crying out loud. But one of the main sources of conflict between her and the adorable family is the fact that she constantly mocks their decisions to be married and have children. She is presented as the contrast to this: the woman whose lack of husband and children has robbed her of her humanity altogether. Believe it or not, I'm not someone who spends all her time bitching about feminist perspectives in films, but this one struck me as very overt in its wholesome housewife vs. emasculating career woman subplot.
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