
Why in the heck did she quit her job just 'cause she got married? Pretty rubbish excuse really, and I thought she liked her job, or at least that's how it seemed...




I dont think she quit. I thought she wanted to spend more time with Roger, because she mentioned sending her sketches in to Cruella. I think it would be dumb to quit her job to.


She didn't quit her job, Cruella fired her because she wouldn't sell the puppies.
It was an illegal termination though, is there a law about it in the UK? If so, Anita could have gone to court or she decided it wasn't worth it and found another job.


You are right, but she would have, if she got married, and it didn't work out in her and her hushbands plans, but Cruella indeeed get upset when Anita and Roger refused to sell her even one of the puppies, and she fired her, and said that she would never again work in fansion. And I would like to mention the movie is back on dvd, and I urge you all to get the movie and watch it.


I have the movie. It was my favorite when I was 11-13. My mother hated me watching it all the time so she hid the movie from me and limited how often I can watch it. She took the movie novel away from me too. Then she stopped taking away my obsessions and gave them both back. She used to get mad at me about my obsessions. Then it all changed in 6th grade.


i'm sorry but I have to butt in here. "Movie Novel"?? The novel came first, I don't know what kind of silly, adapted copy you were reading but try the real thing.

Be as thou wast wont to be, See as thou wast wont to see


As other people have pointed out, Anita was fired, but I think she would have quit anyway. What I found disturbing to the extreme was the fact that Anita's choice to be a housewife was (rightfully) validated, but the choice to be a childless career woman was vilified in the personification of Cruella DeVil. I know Cruella is supposed to be evil. She kills puppies, for crying out loud. But one of the main sources of conflict between her and the adorable family is the fact that she constantly mocks their decisions to be married and have children. She is presented as the contrast to this: the woman whose lack of husband and children has robbed her of her humanity altogether. Believe it or not, I'm not someone who spends all her time bitching about feminist perspectives in films, but this one struck me as very overt in its wholesome housewife vs. emasculating career woman subplot.

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