Missing scene ?

i noticed that when right before the pig falls on Cruella and she is trying to find the puppy under the hay with a pitchfork she has egg shells and yoke in her hair and by it on her shoulders and face. was this scene deleted or am i just seeing things ?


Deleted scene. The chickens dropped eggs on her head.

I swore I saw the scene in theaters but I guess it was in my head I saw it in when I read the movie novel over and over because it was my favorite. I read it so much, I didn't know which scenes weren't in the movie.



are the deleted scenes on the dvd??


Sadly, no. The DVD was re released again in September but there are still no extras on it.

Damn Disney.



I noticed this, too. I had this movie on VHS when it first came out and I just got it on DVD. I thought that I remembered seeing a scene where she had eggs dropped on her head that may have been on the VHS but not on the DVD. But maybe I'm just trying to complicate things for myself.

"Bloody Hell! Real vamps don't sparkle"

