MovieChat Forums > 101 Dalmatians (1996) Discussion > Where the hell was Sergeant Tibbs?

Where the hell was Sergeant Tibbs?

I finally saw this the other day and I quite enjoyed it! I thought I would hate it...
But anyway, my main annoyance was the complete lack of Sgt.Tibbs! Am I just crazy of was the most awesome military cat ever not there at all? It seems like they replaced him with that Terrier (what a hero!) but I would of much preferred to see Tibbs.

Does anyone know why he was not included?


because they generally prefer to villianize cats???

They definitely should have had Sgt. Tibbs! He saved those puppies and should get his due!!!

Time heals all wounds, so if you're uninsured, get a watch. ~ Steven Colbert


Cats are probably a lot harder to train than dogs.


And that they'd need to train all 200+ dogs they used in the movie to follow the cat without actually chasing it. It would be too hard to train it. But they do have a cat in the barn scene, maybe a reference to Sergent Tibs?


There was a white and orange cat in the barn scene when the one dog is telling the Colonel about what he saw. Guess that is the cameo we got for SGT Tibbs :(
