The DVDs...
Made a discovery, I wanted to share.
Years ago I bought the Platinum Disc Corporation release from Wal-Mart from their five dollar bin. Today I was at the swap meet and saw it again. Different cover. I'm anal and rebought it. I do this from time to time. Sometimes a DVD is re-released with a new cover; maybe a new label on the disc - exact same content. What I do is put the new cover with the old one inside out in a transparent case. You can see both wraparounds. I'm a collector.
That was the plan.
Then I noticed it wasn't from Platinum, but rather Echo Bridge Home Entertainment. So I got curious and did a comparison.
But before I get to that. I should take step back. I did some research.
Above link is three times the CBS mini-series came to DVD; well, it's actually four, but more in a moment.
The first was from Geneon Entertainment in 1999, it sold for $24.95 (price has been confirmed). The second was Platinum Disc Corporation in 2004, it sold for $14.95 (the price appears to be valid, but unsure). The third was from Echo Bridge Home Entertainment in 2006 for $6.99 (have little faith on that retail price).
There was a fourth also by Echo Bridge which attached a CD to it in 2007. No clue on price or if that CD was actually related to the program.
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Above are two comparisons. I snapped the images not as JPGs, but as TIFF documents; then brought the pictures together, saved as good sized JPG.
The bit rate on the Echo Bridge version is higher than Platinum's. Both are still poor compaired with better studio releases. But there is a noticeable improvement. I can't speak for Geneon, I never own it.
The other difference is that Echo Bridge presents the mini-series independently; Part I or Part II - your choice. Platinum shows it as a single program, both parts edited together.
Another big difference is the menu; Platinum's release is rather plain. The menu on Echo Bridge feels quite mainstream and is animated, CGI ocean.
I've replaced my Platinum with Echo Bridge. The disc was mint by the way.
The run time on Platinum is 174 minutes. On Echo Bridge is 173 minutes. I don't feel that any part of the mini-series is missing. This could all be about the run time on the credits, the missing minute. Once again I can't speak for the Geneon, but Echo Bridge does not have a recap for Part 1.
There you go.