MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1996) Discussion > Whose version was better?

Whose version was better?

Which of the new version was better, this or Cameron's with Kate Winslet and Leo Dicaprio?

This seemed to delve into the crew and the life of members of the three different classes although that rape scene was highly unneccessary and tasteless. Cameron's focused only on two people in love and had amazing graphics.


They are both good but for different reasons.

This version was good because we got a feel for each of the classes and the other ships.

Cameron's version is brilliant for the historical side. The recreation of the titanic is spot on! But he only really focused on Jack and Rose, although the actions of the crew where there, he didnt go into much detail about the Carpathia or the Californian


It's all a matter of opinion, but mine is that this is better overall, because I thought the depth of characters was better, and ti didn't just focus on two characters in Jack and Rose, who I found to be rather annoying anyway. Yeah, the rape scene was rather rough, and probably could have been done without. I also preferred the actual sinking of the Titanic in the Cameron version. Still, overall I thought this version (TV) was a little better.


There both good in different ways. Titanic (1997) just caught my attention more and I was more interested.

"May the force be with you, but mostly with me."


The acting is better in this one.



Cameron's version is waaaay better! I wouldn't even compare the two...

"Sorry Justin, I already brought sexy back."



If you want the real thing, go with A Night To Remember, as it's pretty much the straight story. This one and the '97 Titanic use fictional characters set against the sinking of the ship as their plot.
