MovieChat Forums > This Life (1998) Discussion > Any Ideas Of The New Story?

Any Ideas Of The New Story?

I loved it first time round, and was more than glad to hear its heading back, even if its only for a one off special.
Just wondering if any one had any ideas of what will have happened to all the gang while they've been away? 10 years is quite a long time...god I can only imagine what Egg's been up to.

Any ideas??

"Education's kind of like the planet Pluto,"
"What, you mean cold, isolated and beyond all hope?"
"No...just, pointless."
Public School Kids


I just finished watching my bootleg copies of 'This Life' Season 1 and 2 today! I'm so frustrated knowing that I'll have to wait so long to know what happens!

Argh! I'm going away for a week and will be back FOR SURE to answer this question!

I hope people will come up with some mad suggestions in the meanwhile! I'll be pondering away!


The world is a very different place since we last saw the exploits of Miles, Anna and co.

Ten years ago, so-called taboos such as taking cocaine and indulging in threesomes were enough to deem this show 'controversial'. In 2005, those ingredients of drama are not only accepted, but have pretty much become the norm. So much so in fact, that these types of 'leisurely activities' are seen in pre-watershed soap operas.

A new series of This Life will really need to do something special - Something very modern. London, after all, is a different place post 7/7. When the show as first broadcast, the internet was in embroynic form and no-one really knew what to make of it - And mobile phones were the size of VHS videos. Just two things that are taken for granted these days that were very different in 1996/7.

As for any ideas???? How about Miles becoming a young Conservative MP? In this modern age when a Tory leadership candidate can actually appear almost likeable - And refuses to deny that he took cocaine or E in his twenties.

It IS a different time and This Life represented the pre-millenium, paranoid, pre-New Labour generation so well, I believe they'll struggle to make a convincing 2006 version.

"They're making a new film of Moses.It's not finished,but the baby looks great in the rushes"


Well, back in an interview in 2000 (might have been with HEAT magazine, I can't remember exactly) Daniella Nardini (Anna) was asked what she thought would have happened in a third series of This Life and she said that Miles and his wife should move to the country, where he encounters Anna having an affair with twins. Probably not very plausible, but makes an interesting image, don't you think?


I love 'This Life'. It's so hard to imagine where these characters would be ten years on, and I'm really excited about the BBC doing a commemorative ten year special.

I think Miles' marriage to Francesca was ended any possibility of Anna and Miles ever getting together, which makes me sad. I like the idea of Miles becoming a politician. I think he and his father would have buried the hatchet, and Miles will have a family. Sometimes though, he'll think back and wonder about what could have been had he and Anna managed to get it together.

As for Anna...I think she'll have moved on. She would have tried to work at the firm with Miles, but she's quite pragmatic and would've realised the impossibility of it all.

I think Milly and Egg will meet each other again and fall in love. It's just too hard imagining this life without Milly and Egg being together.

I'm so excited about 'This Life'. Go the BBC!


I think Milly and Egg will meet each other again and fall in love. It's just too hard imagining this life without Milly and Egg being together.

Oh God, no! Milly ang Egg should and must be over, never to get back together again. I don't see how they could ever get back together, because Egg would be a total fool to ever forgive her and accept her back. He should definitely move on. And besides, I don't think that they were ever that good together, anyway.
I really, really wanted Anna and Miles to be together. They were a great couple, IMO one of the greatest couples in TV history. But Milly and Egg - no.
