i was wondering if all this drinking was intentional: ie. "look at how much us English people drink!" or was sth natural to the writers, and they didnt really think about it ("he is depressed, so Anna asks him if he wants to go to the pub" because that is a normal thing we all would do)
It's weird innit? Especially since they don't act drunk yet when they were smoking Ferdy's pot there was a strong performance of "stoned". Nowadays it tends to be the other way around.
Also, am I just being completely naive or is anyone else surprised at how blase they are about taking hard drugs like cocaine on a regular basis? I mean just from what I've heard I know a lot of young professionals are no strangers to it, but I can't help being taken aback how in tonights episode they were just standing round snorting it in the pub as though it was no different to having a pint of lager.
"i was wondering if all this drinking was intentional: ie. "look at how much us English people drink!" or was sth natural to the writers, and they didnt really think about it ("he is depressed, so Anna asks him if he wants to go to the pub" because that is a normal thing we all would do)"
Anna and Warren were Scots and Welsh, respectively.
Yes - Totally naive! People do take drugs - then and now - for recreation.. Well no-one I know does. Not class A drugs. Of course pot... but that's a whole different thing. So far though the only people I've known who snort cocaine regularly are wasters, and whenever I hear of people who just do it at the weekend and are back at work during the week I can never believe it. You only really hear the horror stories most of the time though I guess which kind of clouds the reality.
only 11% of drug users ever have serious problems from it... yeah but 82% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway.
I know!!! terrible isnt it???!! on a WORKNIGHT aswell??!! *horror* ...
jeez, come on - what else is there to do for a young professional during the week after a stressful day at work??? waste your life away watching mindless rubbish on TV ? or sit around practising their technique on their Etcha-Sketch? Maybe a lovely Charlotte Bronte to while the night away?
Life isnt just about Hibernating during the week you know?