Confusing bits about +10....any ideas?
I'm a massive fan of This Life, and like everyone else watched the +10 episode, however I found a few bits confusing. Maybe I missed explanations within the show, but some stuff left me wondering.....
1 - Why did Miles suddenly end up broke? I thought he owned a chain of hotels?
2 - I take it Oscar was not Egg's kid....
3 - Warren mentioned something along the lines of his motorbike courier boyfriend of five years who left his wife for Warren. Presumably he means Ferdy. Remembering Series 2, Ferdy had left his wife, who never was his wife after all, after Warren left the series, and then ended up with Lenny.
4 - Why, oh why did Miles once again screw and then leave Anna all alone? Does he just get off on messing with her or what?
And as an added thought, does anyone know what Mai Ling shouted at Egg in her own language before she stormed out?
Ta xx
I'm a happy-go-lucky scamp.