
I thing she is such a well written character, as are they all. I wanted to like her, but she was so up-tight. She was always the sensible one, the one who called the plumber, bought the gifts, organised the flatmate ad. But could not be that rational with her own life and feelings. I thinks she's a very interesting character, but not very likeable. But god knows we've all had a little bit of Milly's insecurity is us. Do they like me? Is that colleague being nice or looking for ways to stab me in the back? Does my partner still love me? Are they having an affair?

I really don't understand what either Milly or Egg see in each other, a very strange mismatch.

I love the scenes between Milly and Anna, when no-one else is in the house, or they're sitting an a bedroom talking. I think the connection between the women is really genuine. Milly really needs to her Anna's "just do it" and non-judgemental opinion. And Anna sometimes needs to hear the level headed responses from Milly.

Great writing.



Milly was the intelligent, ambitious and sensible one and Egg was the complete opposite. But there was a deep love between the two. Like an old married couple and I think this is what caused the problems because the were not old and realised that there were other options whilst they were young.

I think it was something else. The problems started when Egg gave up his job, and they gradually drifted apart.It was a case of "opposites attract" relationship that falls apart when it turns out that the two people have even less in common that they thought.

Pain is to pleasure as disco is to punk.You need to live through one to fully appreciate the other.



I neer liked Milly, she was the opposite of Egg in that he was impossible to dislike, she was impossible to like.


Can't see how Milly was looking for a meal ticket, she was a very capable professional able to make a good living for herself.
I just finished watching This Life (again) in Australia. A marvellous show.


I thought she was the worst character. It didn't ring true to me that someone of that age (was she supposed to be 25 or something?) would be so miserable and grumpy all the time. It didn't really matter where she was in her relationship with Egg, or whatever was happening at work, good or bad. She was just always grumpy.

Anna was the best character and Kira.
