Jax-Ur: Homosexual?

I was just watching the episode "Absolute Power" and I noticed something. In the first episode with the show's Phantom Zone villains, it's pretty clearly stated that Mala hopes to procreate with Superman, to populate the Earth with Kryptonians. Yet she shows no signs of wanting to procreate with Jax-Ur. Even in the "Absolute Power" episode, Mala is seen getting "pleasure" from her male servant, to whom Jax-Ur doesn't really seem to care about aside from telling her "Business before pleasure." Now I suppose you could equate that Jax-Ur is simply not attracted to Mala, yet he seems to take no female servants, keep in mind his only servants are somewhat effeminate young men. So were Timm and company implying that Jax-Ur plays for the other team or what? Am I looking into this too much?...Yeah, probably.

I was willing to give you whatever life you wanted...just to keep you out of mine!


i found that interesting to read, you make a good point


No offense but he really didn't get much of a chance to do it with her or anything. Also, for all you know they could've done it in the Phantom Zone.

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


She would have been pregnant. I don't think there's contraceptive in the phantom zone, unless Jax-Ur is sterile. But even so, she and Jax-Ur show no desire for one another whatsoever. Also, You never see Jax-Ur with a desire for a woman. The only thing you do see is his relationship with his effeminate servants in "Absolute Power"

I was willing to give you whatever life you wanted...just to keep you out of mine!


Well it is a kid's tv show. They can't show people having sex in a kids TV show.

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


No, she would not HAVE been pregnant. Not sure if you know how it works, but having sex doesn't automatically EQUAL pregnancy. Plenty of healthy couples have unprotected sex without getting pregnant.

And why is Jax-Ur the sterile one? Why not Mala? It works both ways. Females can be sterile too.

It's all part of the plan.


But like I said, it's a kids tv show so they can't actually show them do it. Of course you don't see Darkseide with a woman either.

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


It's heavily implied that Darkseid slept with Granny Goodness.

I was willing to give you whatever life you wanted...just to keep you out of mine!


OK even if one of them was sterile, or they managed to do it without unwanted circumstances. You still haven't explained to me, why Mala is shown being horny (for Superman, and for that alien guy in "Absolute Power") but she doesn't seem to show any sexual interest at all toward Jax-Ur. He also doesn't seem to care that she has her little side affairs. Now either they have a really open relationship (because I don't think Jax-Ur is the type to not get jealous over something like that), or he's a homosexual with no interest in women, or he's asexual with no interest in sex whatsoever and gets his kicks "causing the death of innocent people"

I was willing to give you whatever life you wanted...just to keep you out of mine!


I take back what I said. I don't think it even matters. In 100 years who's gonna care?

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


So those are the only options? How about, they don't like each other sexually? It's possible to be close to a member of the opposite sex without "being horny" for them.

Not all women are interested in boning their boss and not all guys are interested in nailing every girl they see.

"Open relationship?" You assume there's sexual relationship at all. Maybe that's why he doesn't care about her side affairs. They're not together at all.

It's all part of the plan.


Like PreachCaleb said.

Jax Ur and Mala were comrades in Krypton's military and he was her leader for years. Jax-Ur probably had a wife or girlfriends in Krypton and he simply doesn't have a sexual relationship with Mala.

It's probably more like an uncle-niece or older brother-younger sister relationship. You don't always envision a sexual relationship with every attractive woman you form a relationship with, sometimes it's just platonic.


Just wondering I know that this should be obvious but was Jax-Ur supposed to be like Genral Zod? Or his replacement? Why didn't they do General Zod?

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


General Zod replacement.

The Phantom zone isnt a place where people can interact. Everyone has like their own personal space. So no sex.

Mala didnt expect Superman to release Jax-ur. Also I think Superman is just much handsomer guy then Jax-ur. So Mala didnt have many options(had he just banged her, there wouldnt have been any problems).

Jax-Ur may also simply not show that fondness for pleasure like Mala. He's all military. So Mala went elsewhere.
