Knight Time......

Favorite Superman:TAS episode ever!

For some reason I just love seeing Supes act like Batman.



It's one of my favorites, for sure.


I always like episodes with Brainiac in them.

Knight Time is also one of my favourite Superman episodes. :)


It's my second favorite, only behind the two-part finale Legacy (which, IMHO, is the greatest DCAU episode ever).


I don't know if I agree. I do like it, but I don't like the fact that it doesn't make Batman seem special anymore. It's like...if Superman can do everything he can do, then what makes him special?

I was willing to give you whatever life you wanted...just to keep you out of mine!


I understand your point, but I must disagree. Superman isn't actually doing what Batman does, he's doing what Superman does, and simply arriving at the same result. He didn't use brilliant deductive reasoning to figure out that Bruce was being mind controlled, he saw the nanites; he didn't best Bane in complex hand-to-hand combat built from years of training, he used his super-strength and invulnerability; and when it finally came figuring out Brainiac's plan, he didn't prove he was the detective his legend said he was, he already knew everything, since he had gone through it before.

It's more an example of showing that each character has their own strengths, just like they did in World's Finest, and that each works just fine at getting to the solution. In The Demon Reborn Batman shows and saves the day when all of Supermans flight and lasers were pointless. Ultimately, they both get the job done, they just have their own paths.

Yesh La-Malachim Ha-Ta Telefon
The angels have the phone box
