MovieChat Forums > Superman: The Animated Series (1996) Discussion > Original Choice for Voice of Superman?

Original Choice for Voice of Superman?

I was watching a featurette on the upcoming Superman/Batman: Public Enemies release ("Dinner with DCU") and they mentioned there was a well known actor they loved for the voice of Superman but he was unavailable because he was going on Broadway (and so the part went to Tim Daly). Anyone know or have heard of who this was?

Movieman's Guide to the Movies


I wish they had disclosed that individual's name. All I know is that Clancy Brown, who gave us the best Lex Luthor ever, originally auditioned for Superman/Clark Kent, and although they liked his reading, his voice wasn't quite what they heard in their heads when they tried to imagine how Superman would sound, and so Brown was ultimately cast as Lex instead.


Yeah, don't know why they didn't mention it. It's not like one of those cases where an actor did a terrible job with a role, if that were the case I'd understand so not to embarrass them, but I don't see the harm in mentioning it. Maybe it's a Hollywood faux pas.

Movieman's Guide to the Movies


Prior to Clancy Brown getting the role of Lex Luthor, the producers were seriously considering Sherman Howard who played Lex Luthor in the late-80s, early-90s Superboy TV series.

Of course Mr Howard ended up voicing Derek Powers/Blight on Batman Beyond, so it's not he got a bad deal out of this.

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They wanted Adam Baldwin, but as you said, he was unavailable. But they did manage to get him to play Superman in the Superman/Doomsday film. you can also find this in the trivia section.
