Question about his lead suit

Superman has a lead cloth suit with a leaded glass faceplate that he uses in this series to handle Kryptonite. Also, in S2E11, the villian blocks the rays of our yellow sun (and to be thorough, he substitutes red sun rays) so that Supe becomes un-supe.

My question is: if the suit blocks the rays of kryptonite, wouldn't it block the rays of our yellow sun as well?

[Just askin' - no need to call Clark about this...]


It's not blocking the rays of kryptonite. It's blocking the radiation. There's a difference.

Besides, even if it did block the sun's rays, Superman stores solar energy. He'd be fine as long as he didn't stay away from the sun's rays for weeks.

Follow my twitter: @preachcaleb


I did not know that. Thank you.

[Up, up, and ... what the hey?]


I don't think blocking red sun beams would help him. His body needs to absorb yellow sun beams and although he can store that power for a while (doesn't have a problem at night or when he's in space for short periods of time) he is not naturally powerful. Like when he was on the preserver's ship, he had to absorb the yellow sun beams before he regained his powers.

