MovieChat Forums > Superman: The Animated Series (1996) Discussion > Where the Hell is his Freeze Breath ??

Where the Hell is his Freeze Breath ??

They depicted almost every super power that Superman had, but whatever happened to his freeze breath?

I've watched the entire series including the Justice League ones and its not shown at all !!

I have no idea why would the producers want to leave this power out !!

Its not like it is offensive, violent or hard to portray..

It doesnt feel Superman at all when you leave something out you know ??


Freeze breath? Of all Superman's powers, this is what you get upset about??
There never even was a situation where any "freeze breath" was called for!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I do seem to remember him having "super breath," though. He put out a fire maybe. I just don't see how "ice breath" is all that great, TBH.


I noticed the same exact thing. I haven't watched all of TAS, but I have seen all of the Justice League and Unlimited. I saw no super/freeze breath at all.

And, it's not really a matter of it being great. It's a part of the character. There were a few fires that could have been put out with the freeze breath. Like the one in "The Late Mr. Kent". Instead of wasting time to put out the fire with a water tower, he could have taken it out with freeze breath.

I was just wondering what the reason for them leaving it out. Not that I miss it or anything.


Freeze Breath is one of my favorite powers (along with Heat Vision) so I was pissed that he never used it as well.

We should learn from our past mistakes, so that we can make new ones.


I think in one of the documentaries on the first DVD set for the show they mentioned that Superman's powers were scaled back a bit in order to have him physically threatened more often and more believably. So that may be why the freeze breath aspect of his powers was removed.

I don't dislike the freeze breath but it really doesn't add anything to the character as far as I'm concerned. In the 40s Fleischer cartoons he doesn't have freeze breath or heat vision if I remember correctly - and those cartoons are great.


You said it yourself, TONED DOWN, not REMOVED.

And yet the producers did just that.

Besides, its not as if Superman's Freeze Breath was that incredible of a power that gives him an instant win over his enemies everytime.

Theres just no reason for them to take that away at all !

Without all his powers present, the series just doesnt seem complete !


Actually I said "scaled back", and it wasn't in caps.


Its still the same damn meaning, moron.


It's the same meaning, but it's not what I said. If you're going to quote somebody you should do so accurately.
