'Little Girl Lost Part II'
Hey did anybody notice Kara batting her eyelashes at Clark in "Little Girl Lost Part II?" I did it was weird, it looked like Kara was flirting with Clark.
"Kara I thought I told you to stay out of trouble."
"Me? I'm not in trouble and by the way it's Supergirl."
"See super...*Kara points at the 'S' emblem, on her chest* ...girl." *Kara points at her face, and she bats her eyelashes, at Clark*
*Clark pauses for a long moment before responding* "...Right." *Clark rises an eyebrow at Kara*
I wonder why Bruce Timm likes making young heroines flirt with older heroes I mean first Timm hinted at a relationship between Batman and Batgirl then he made Supergirl flirt with Superman.