So how did he win peoples trust back?
It ended pretty weird with Superman essentially public enemy number 1
Did the Justice League Address this and give it a conclusion?
It ended pretty weird with Superman essentially public enemy number 1
Did the Justice League Address this and give it a conclusion?
Though I have not watched Justice League religiously (Honestly, after this series it just seems so inadequate) from what I've read on-line, there was never any explicit discussion of his redemption; he was just back to being the hero when the show began.
Yesh La-Malachim Ha-Ta Telefon
The angels have the phone box
At least for the public. But Cadmus was founded in suspicion of him.
Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
I think he earned the public's trust back gradually by good deeds and after saving them from Brainiac's attack.
They made the "Legacy" story toned down in Justice League for fans who did not see "Legacy" or simply didn't want to believe it. Some parts of the goverment was a bit weary about trusting Superman from the beginning in Justice League but when Superman had to get Lex Luthor pardoned to stop the Justice Lords, the whole scare of Superman going rogue started to flair up again in the goverment because Superman had to tell them everything about the Justice Lords.
Okay, I've sinced watched the entire series since my last post (It's much better than I remember, I don't know why I didn't absolutely love it before) and I was correct before, they never do address what he does to regain the trust of the people at large. Like others have said, not everybody does trust him, but those that do seem to have just forgiven and moved on.
Yesh La-Malachim Ha-Ta Telefon
The angels have the phone box
Brainiac's attack is not and should never be Canon.
Justice league takes place a few years after Legacy(thus why Superman is bigger and older with the wrinkles to show his burden). I think Superman explained what happen and a lot of people believed him. He also didn't try to take over the planet again so that helped. Basically he earned it back through good deeds. But the incident did leave some to not trust the Man of steel for the risk of him ever going rouge(because for his alien nature, he is very human).
It's optional since it looks like this show and could very well fit in DCAU continuity.
You're missing the point. It was the fact that he WAS brainwashed that scared the people. That he COULD be controlled and turned against them. That is what he had to overcome. People finally saw the true destructive force that Superman can be and it scared them. Legallity had nothing to do with it. The court of law didn't matter. It was the court of public opinion that the people looked to.
Also, there's the problem that they only have his word that he was even brainwashed at all; there's no documentation, no witnesses, and no physical proof. They saw him attack and devastate the planet, then he turned around and said "Wait, it wasn't my fault." People are going to be skeptical of trusting somebody on an issue like that, especially given the risks if he happens to be lying.
In fact, WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED! I REPEAT: MAJOR SPOILERS!, Professor Hamilton, a dear friend of Superman, never does trust him again, and actually cooperates with a shady government organization determined to prepare for the day when the Justice League will become a threat and need to be destroyed.
Legal fault isn't the issue here, Superman is never charged or held responsible for the assault on the planet, what matters is that to the people, he seems to have betrayed them all, and they finally see what a dangerous weapon he really is. To paraphrase the late, great Salvor Hardin: "It's a poor [weapon] that won't shoot both ways."
Yesh La-Malachim Ha-Ta Telefon
The angels have the phone box
Actually the parademons and all of Darkseid's other artillery was proof enough.
You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan
I know that I'm replying to an older topic, but didn't the very first episode of "Justice League" talk about how people still didn't trust Superman (I think he was boo'ed when he walked into that conference), but he was trying to do things to get the people to trust him (like disarming those nuclear missiles and such)?
shareI don't believe so, no. He's back to being the apple of everybody's eye, and a large selling point of the disarmament program is that it's being supported by Superman. If the people didn't trust him, it doesn't make sense for them to do something because they think they can count on him to back them up.
Yesh La-Malachim Ha-Ta Telefon
The angels have the phone box