MovieChat Forums > Superman: The Animated Series (1996) Discussion > Why no Swamp Thing and Plastic-Man on th...

Why no Swamp Thing and Plastic-Man on the show?

They would have made great comebacks in animation.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker on Batman TAS


Agreed on one at least. Adapting the Superman/Swamp Thing story written by Alan Moore (Crimson Fever) would have been cool.

Personally, I've never cared for Plastic-Man, but hey, I don't begrudge your taste otherwise ;)

~I'm not sure what's worse on IMDb; fan-trolls or flop-trolls.~


That's one of my favorite Swamp Thing and Superman stories ever, Ron Perlman would have been awesome as Swampy's voice.

"You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN"-The Joker on Batman TAS


Good choice on voice actor as well. There was another Moore story Swamp Thing story that could have been adapted (been YEARS since I've read it, so def. paraphrasing here).

Swamp Thing has been convinced to cull humanity for some reason, and is basically stopping photosynthesis, and the world is being choked with CO2. Pan to the JLA satellite, and Superman is looking out of a window down to Earth. Behind him is Firestorm & Green Arrow.

GA: Can't believe of all the world beaters we've taken down, we're getting licked by something from Houma, LA.
FS: What, I can just convert all the CO2 to O2.
GA: Do you know how many molecules of of CO2 there are?!
Superman: I can count them for you if you'd like...
FS: ...*looks crestfallen*

A great exchange showing the power of Swamp Thing, and a show of scale of Superman's powers.

That coulda been a good episode of JLU.

~I'm not sure what's worse on IMDb; fan-trolls or flop-trolls.~


I think the failed 90s Swamp Thing cartoon that only lasted 5 episodes is the reason Swamp Thing wasn't in this.

When I told you to go screw yourself I didn't mean for you to take it literally.
Adam Gibson


Probably rights isses with Swamp Thing, with the live action series and the cartoon. Plastic Man may have also been tied up as a seperate property.

"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"
