This or Justice League??

I have all of the Justice Legues now on DVD but have yet to watch them! Is this Superman series as good or better than the Justice League show? This show looks great and plan on asking for them for christmas. Good or bad?


Justice League is definitely the better show.

But, a big part of Justice League's storylines are a continuation of this series. Do yourself a favor. Watch Superman first and then JL. You'll enjoy both shows more.

It's all part of the plan.


Well Johnptfunk, I personally like Superman:TAS better than Justice League. I actually recommend both shows, they're great. You should probably watch Superman before Justice League because most of the stories, villians, and guest heroes, carry over to Justice League. If I were you I'd plan on putting these on your christmas list.


I would definitely have to place Superman in a superior position than Justice League. I like JL (Could anybody not like a show with the fast talking, slow thinking Flash?), but I find that Superman is superior in almost all aspects; the animation looks more fluid, the storylines and characters seem better developed, and even the voice acting is better (This one, however, I'll admit is largely personal bias; the voices on JL aren't actually bad, they're just different from Superman, and I react to change with instinctual dislike). Plus, I'm a reader of the comics (Which bodes ill for any kind of Justice League adaption, regardless of how good it is), and in almost every episode the characters say or do something that has me grinding my teeth (Yes, I'm that kind of viewer. You don't need to say it, I hate me, too). It's all opinion, true, but I'll definitely point to this as the superior of the two.

Yesh La-Malachim Ha-Ta Telefon
The angels have the phone box


I think that's rather like comparing apples to oranges--they have the same shape, but different tastes. S:TAS is a "solo" show, while JL/JLU focuses on no one character in particular. They're both good.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Overall, I like Justice League better, but there are some things about Superman that I like better. The character designs are better. Superman, Batman and many other in JL have a squat look to them, especially Batman. Also, I liked Tim Daily's voice work better than the actor who voiced Superman in JL.


The "Squat" look was taken from early 2000's Superman comics. They made the characters way too beefy. Luckily JL didn't look nearly as bad as the comics.


The first season of Superman is okay, the second is spectacular and depending on if you like Darkseid, the third season can be either amazing or repetitive. The best part however are the characters who appear in JL afterward. Steel, Kyle Raynor, Dr. Fate, Metallo, Orion, and of course Lex and Supergirl, all show up throughout the show. I was definitely a bigger fan of this than JL. However I did enjoy JL more once I got it on DVD and could watch it in its entirety rather than catching episodes every once in a while.

The wookiee has no pants- Mark Hammil


Batman TAS, Batman Gotham Knights, Superman,Batman Beyond,Zeta(optional), Static Shock(optional) Justice league are all part on a continuous universe.


Why would Static and Zeta be optional? They ARE part of the DCAU. Brainiac Attacks is optional.


I consider Zeta and Static optional because they are bad shows regardless of their place in continuity. Since I consider the DCAU to be a great collective of series, I do not wish it to be tainted with terrible shows like those two.


I've seen Static Shock in its entirety and I don't find it terrible at all. It had a weak final season, but that's it. Most of it was damn good for a cartoon. The main thing you could level against it was that it lacked a lot of the elements of the comic book, such as the grittiness and the mother being alive from the beginning.

Before it makes dollars, it must make sense.


Er, Static and Zeta are definitely there. Zeta's story begins in Batman Beyond, and Static is featured in JLU twice (both in the future).

Also, Batman Gotham Knight is NOT part of the DCAU. Rather, its part of the Nolanverse Batman, set inbetween Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.



Justice League is better.


Well, I would caracterize the three main DCAU shows (namely Batman, Superman and the JL) like this:

-Batman was the first one. That implies that the show had to find its niche in the TV but also creativately. The first bunch of episodes aren't that great (with the exceptions of episodes like On Leather Wings, Two-Face, Heart of Ice, amongst others). Once it found it, it delivered many great episodes (also, Batman is a character that works exceptionally well in unitarian format), the best ones being the most introspective and psychological ones, but as we all know that's right in Batman's alley, plot-wise. Also it was the pioneer, the trend-setter, and the most popular, and for that it will always be the most revered one.

-The JL and JLU are the most uneven of the DCAU.It started really slow, but caught steam in the second season. When it became JLU, it's when really shone (particularly en the second season of the JLU, or the fourth one including the JL, with the so-called Cadmus Saga. To me that was the peak of the entire DCAU)

-Superman, I would say, is the constant one. Even though it had tremendous episodes, and one of the most emotives moments in the DCAU (Apokolips... Now!, Legacy), maybe they weren't as efective as the ones in other shows, because they don't tend to stick as, I don't know, Starcrossed, Over the Edge, Mad Love or Heart of Ice, to name a few. This show is like the middle child (to some fans, not me), but as I said before is the most constant show of the DCAU. In its worst was average. Also it developed more in arc-format and had a proper ending.

So, to abbreviate, Batman was the one who started a whole new era for serious animation and superhero cartoons in America and the most psychologically complex, JL (with JLU) was the most uneven, but had a bunch of the most resonant, epic and clever episodes in the DCAU, and Superman was the least flashy but more constant of the bunch.

I would say Superman is the most constant show of the DCAU, not as flashy as the JL and JLU ones, but and also had many interesting episodes and carries some of the DCAU more emotional moments.


Justice Leauge. By a long shot.

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


I preferred Superman: TAS. I preferred the character designs and I thought Tim Daly was far superior to George Newbern as the voice of Supes. The series also kept getting progressively better and ended on its highest note with the amazing two-part finale Legacy. JL kept improving but hit a wall after concluding the terrific Cadmus arc, as season five was a bit of a letdown.



Obviously on Superman's board you'll get more people voting for Superman, but I thought JLU was much better. There's just more there to work with.
