WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? Darkseid is such a great villain! Oh well your entitled to your opinion. I'm not a fan of Bizarro............
yea, That villain from "Unity" was pretty lame. at first I thought that was that other villain from Batman, that Farmer guy with the mutated animals. im also not that fond of Toyman.
Darkseid is awesome, I was surprised when he killed that officer shows us that this isn't a little kiddy show.
That Unity Alien thing reminded me of an X-Files type of villain, and it made for a disgusting kinda creepy episode, which is why I kinda like it. And Toyman works for me, only becuase he's soooooo well voiced by Bud Cort and he has that creeeeeeeeeeeepy music theme.
I'm not a fan of teh episodes is just a Big Giant thing for him to fight like the Prometheon Creature or the Giant Chimp. But I know those episodes have fans for their very old-school nature of Superman Vs. Giant things.
I didn't care for Prometheon much either...seemed like a ripoff of Doomsday to me in a way. There was one thing I liked about Unity, and that was that it was primarily a Supergirl episode. I really would have liked to see more Supergirl episodes because her depiction here was just great and in my opinion the best depiction of that character EVER!
She's on my list. I never liked her either. Her evil nature never seems convincing-poorly developed in the show- and her episodes where she appears are weak.
"Agreed Livewire sucked." I agree. She's basically a female ripoff of Electro. I admit I hated Darkseide when I first watched this show and I hated what he did to Superman in the last 2 episodes. I had kind of wished Superman had successfully killed him. Those people are nuts for helping him.
"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Seinfeld
If by "those people" you refer to those on Apokolips, they are literally unable to think any other way--their wills have been totally crushed and subsumed. As Darkseid said: "I am many things, Kal-El--but here, I am GOD."
Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
I was talking about the people on Apokolips. But I guess you're right about them. They're too far gone to live any other way. "You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Seinfeld