Given the fact that DC's other top character, Batman has been almost continuously featured in a solo series of his own for 17 years (Batman: TAS (1992-1995), The New Batman Adventures(1997-1998), Batman Beyond(1999-2001), The Batman(2004-2009) and Brave and the Bold (2009- ) with prominent appearances in Justice League and JLU as well), the fact that Superman hasnt had a solo animated series since 2000 is quite shocking.
I think its time Superman had a new series of his own. And this time, let it have a completely epic scope. No more one-of supervillian of the week battles for the Man of Steel. Instead they can have season-wide story arcs. The first season should start several years into Superman's career, with him already established as a major hero. There is a running subplot about Darkseid secretely trying to conquer earth through his agents, which includes the Intergang, while Lex Luthor (the manipulative CEO version of course) secretely conspires with Braniac against Superman. Both the story arcs would be brought to a conclusion by the end of the season, with Braniac having been handed a definite defeat, though Darkseid suffers only a minor setback.
The second season would have Darkseid continuing his quest to conquer earth, while new villians like Mongol and General Zod are added to the mix. The Death of Superman story arc, as well as Superman's return and the four fake Supermen (Kon-el, Cyborg-Superman, Eradicator, Steel) should be explored. The season should end with Lois learning Clarks identity and Clark proposing to her.
The third season would start with Lois and Clark's marriage. Supergirl should be introduced (with her correct kryptonian origin) as well. A major subplot would be Luthor being outed as a villian and now openly conspiring against Superman, along with a returned Braniac and/or Darkseid and possibly even General Zod. Also, other major DC heroes should make guest appearances, and even a version of the Justice League and/or Justice Society should appear. And there should be one episode with Superman teaming up with Batman.
Think a new Superman cartoon would be great! It's about time the GREATEST superhero got a new television series. After all had some great villians in this series but they never used: Atomic Skull, Composite Superman, The Cyborg Superman, Eradicator, General Zod, Faora, Nod, Gog, Imperiex, Mongul, Morgan Edge, The Prankster, Rampage, Silver Banshee, Ultra Humanite, Doomsday, Bloodsport, or Conduit (though they did show young Kenny Braverman in "New Kids on the Block"). I think a new cartoon would be considered if they REBOOT the movie franchise. For the movies I think Conduit, given his history with Clark Kent, would make a great villian for superman to fight with Lex Luthor doing his corprate crimes (and yes using these characters would mean using the post-crisis history). However, using Conduit in the movie may also mean Conduit would be banned from an animated series, but I'd rather see him in a rebooted movie series anyway. You know how WB likes to have cartoons to coincide and cash in on their latest movie project. This series was made to coincide with the proposed "Superman lives" movie and Legion of SuperHeroes was made to coincide with that lame movie, Superman Returns.
As good as the DCAU shows are, they could make newer versions that are just as good if not better. WB can do much better than Teen Titans or The Batman. I did think Legion of SuperHeroes was ok. There's another thing, the better DC shows often get cancelled after a couple seasons. It most likely went off because Superman Returns sucked and they didn't want people to focus on Superman. Either way it's a shame, but yeah a new Superman movie series and cartoon is WELL over due.
I think its time Superman had a new series of his own. And this time, let it have a completely epic scope. No more one-of supervillian of the week battles for the Man of Steel. Instead they can have season-wide story arcs. The first season should start several years into Superman's career, with him already established as a major hero. There is a running subplot about Darkseid secretely trying to conquer earth through his agents, which includes the Intergang, while Lex Luthor (the manipulative CEO version of course) secretely conspires with Braniac against Superman. Both the story arcs would be brought to a conclusion by the end of the season, with Braniac having been handed a definite defeat, though Darkseid suffers only a minor setback.
The second season would have Darkseid continuing his quest to conquer earth, while new villians like Mongol and General Zod are added to the mix. The Death of Superman story arc, as well as Superman's return and the four fake Supermen (Kon-el, Cyborg-Superman, Eradicator, Steel) should be explored. The season should end with Lois learning Clarks identity and Clark proposing to her.
The third season would start with Lois and Clark's marriage. Supergirl should be introduced (with her correct kryptonian origin) as well. A major subplot would be Luthor being outed as a villian and now openly conspiring against Superman, along with a returned Braniac and/or Darkseid and possibly even General Zod. Also, other major DC heroes should make guest appearances, and even a version of the Justice League and/or Justice Society should appear. And there should be one episode with Superman teaming up with Batman.
I think tha idea sounds great. Though I believe they should NOT introduce a Justice League or Justice Society in a show about a one hero. They were going to do that in this series if they were picked up for another season but thank goodness they didn't. It would have been just as bad as it was on The Batman. I hope WB makes something GOOD happen with Superman. reply share
It would have been just as bad as it was on The Batman.
I thought that was the best part of The Batman. I didn't really care for the show until they introduced Robin, Batgirl, and the Justice League members. Before that I just thought the show was OK.
The Batman didn't get good until Season 4. That is the only good season of that show. The 5th season was a dissapointment and I still say leave Justice League on their own show. Season 5 looked like it was the backdoor pilot for Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I like the latter series better because it doesn't pretend to be what it's not... dark.
See Batman gets so many shows, but I think it's time for a new Superman show and movie. Why doesn't DC give some attention to the greatest hero?
It pissed me off that Brandon Routh voiced the villain of the week in The Batman once, yet, when Superman appeared in the show, they got some other dude to voice him. Where's the sense in that?
Well it's because George Newbern voiced Superman before. In fact he voiced this Superman in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. I think having Brandon Routh voice Superman in The Batman would have been better since they were going for a "Donner" type Superman anyway. If they ever reintroduce Superman in a movie or animation they need to leave the "Donner" aspects in the past where they belong.
Actually introducing the Justice League makes more sense in a Superman show rather than a Batman show. It makes more sense for Superman to team up with A-list superpowered types like Green Lantern, Flash or Wonder Woman than the Batman, who's a non-powered creature of the night and largely clings to the shadows, not being very sociable.
And there is a lot that can be explored by bringing in the other characters and Superman's relationship with each of them. The Flash for instance can enjoy a friendly rivalry with Superman over their speed but still be good friends (if they use the younger Wally West version, Superman can be his inspiration and mentor of sorts). Green Lantern and Superman are both uber-powerful and both have alien aspects to their origin it would be intriguing to explore. Superman and Jonn Jonnz are both fellow aliens, sole survivors of dead worlds so they have an empathy for each other. The idea is to show how Superman is the inspiration of the super-heroic DCU at large and how almost every major hero is connected to him or relates to him in some way.
saahihnair, you said what I have always thought. Heroes like Batman and Green Arrow should NOT be a part of the Justice League. They are just ordinary humans with no powers whatsoever.
Batman gets better treatment in the movies as well. I understand out of ALL super heros, Batman is probably the easiest to adapt to a movie, but I think Superman and the rest of the DC universe deserves better treatment. DC/WB can't even make a Superman movie without rehashing the very dated Donner crap. If they can reboot Batman, the could (and should have in 06) reboot Superman. Marvel has more variety in their non-comic media. Every movie isn't Spider-Man.
superman returns might not of been the best, but it was a good movie, i dont understand what it is about this character that its so hard for them to utilize, mabe they are trying to hard, superman has plenty of enemies that can be equal to his strength, doomsday, darkseid, mongul, these are just a few
6/25/09 we lost an icon, michael jackson, the world will never be the same
I know, they keep using Luthor and Luthor ALONE. I think the problem is they've been trying to keep it too "realistic". Superman III tried to use Brainiac, Mr. Mzyzptlk, and Bizarro (also Supergirl but she got her own movie) but WB rejected use of all those villians unless they were of course Luthor. I think if we can believe Superman is real (or for the wise guys, "realistic) we could do the same for the enemies who are not Luthor, or from the Krypton/the Phantom Zone.
If they reboot the Superman movie, which they REALLY need to, I believe the best villians to use is Lex Luthor (surprise, surprise) and Conduit.
Yes a new animated series would be great. Hopefully when it does happen, the writers will have enough creativity in portraying him in the current modern power levels (not as weak/vulnerable as in this STAS).
Oh, and I hope it is a better artwork (maybe similar to the "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies").
By creativity in this particular case, I mean trying to find capable opponents for him while making him strong enough to be Superman (proper balance). If I recall, the argument for making him so vulnerable and weak by the writers (during an interview) was in order to make the show more "interesting" as otherwise the episode would be over before you know it.
It's not that there aren't capable opponents for him--Bizarro, Metallo, Darkseid, Parasite, Mala, Jax-Ur. The point of powering him down was so that they don't have to rely on a superhuman, intergalactic threat in every episode. That's what they meant by "interesting."
1) Even in the current modern era, though he is still powered down (not nearly as powerful as the silver age), his power levels are still kept to a state where one feels this is Superman (i.e. not running out of oxygen in space or in ocean depth). 2) By capable opponents, I am not only referring to the physical aspect. Let us not forget that even in the current modern era, Lex Luthor is still one of his greatest nemeses; hence there is no need to always make a threat intergalactic or superhuman.
Again, I have no problem powering him down. However in the previous series, it was done far too much. And, at some point, the writers realized this. Why do you think they felt the need to have him make the "cardboard" statement in the "Destroyer" episode of JLU (really same continuity as the previous Superman series).
Also, there are 2 major things that make him Superman:
1) Not the power, but the determination to face any threats even those more powerful than he is with courage. 2) Even with all that power, he still maintains his moral code.
Again, I am not saying he ought to be "all powerful", only that the levels, if a new series is created, ought to be kept higher than the previous series (Superman, JL).
1) What recent comics, within the CURRENT continuity not some elseworlds version, have you read where he needed breathing apparatus to survive in space or underwater?
2) Yes, it does.
Silver Age (one of many quotes): "He has been known to move planets from one solar system to another barehanded, outmuscle black holes, and once in a battle with one of his descendants altered the course of the time stream continuum."
CURRENT Modern Level (one of many quotes): "Superman's power levels have again increased since then, with Superman currently possessing enough strength to hurl mountains, withstand nuclear blasts, fly into the sun unharmed, and survive in the vacuum of outer space without oxygen."
The landing 747's or the destroying of an entire city battling Captain Marvel, similarly to the comments he made in "Destroyer", again was the writers way of bringing him up to par in JLU; hence, proving my point. If you remember in my previous post I did briefly mention that in the JLU series the writers did their best to bring his powers to par.
Even during the Silver Age, he did get hurt. It is not the fact that he has gotten hurt that is being argued here, it is the fact that in the past STAS, the writers brought down his power level way too much.
Look we can go back and forth with this, all I am stating is this, while he does not necessarily have to be brought to his silver age power level, at least, in a new series, I do hope they make him at the CURRENT modern power level.
Now, please do not get me wrong, I do not know everything about the character. However, I do know enough when it comes to his power level in the CURRENT modern comics.
When Superman was first created in the 1930s he was only SLIGHTLY more powerful than your average male. If anything, I would like to see a series created with THAT version.
Rather than a new series, how about a continuation of this one? We just need the old staff back. If this works it can give hope to those who grew up with this cartoon.
Yeah, Superman and Batman both had a cartoon around the late 90s. Since then, Batman has been the primary focus of three additional cartoons, while Superman has had nothing. I would be curious to see what they would do if they followed the New 52 version of the character. With the exception of Justice League War, they really haven't tapped into that yet.
There is life outside your apartment! There's a pigeon squashed on the street! Ew...
Yeah, Superman and Batman both had a cartoon around the late 90s. Since then, Batman has been the primary focus of three additional cartoons, while Superman has had nothing. I would be curious to see what they would do if they followed the New 52 version of the character. With the exception of Justice League War, they really haven't tapped into that yet.
There is life outside your apartment! There's a pigeon squashed on the street! Ew...