MovieChat Forums > Superman: The Animated Series (1996) Discussion > Best DCAU show besides Batman: TAS.

Best DCAU show besides Batman: TAS.

Saw this a while back and it still lingers in the memory. At first, I wasn't sure I was going to get into it considering I was never much of a Superman fan, but this is a fantastic show that was surprisingly very consistent and contained superb storytelling on par with Batman: TAS. I also loved how they tried to have a lot more continuity in this show, and of course the voice acting was on-point. There are some forgettable episodes, but Batman had quite a few of those too. The best episodes are some of the best in the entire DCAU canon, and this show actually made Superman a compelling character to me to the point where I became a big fan for once. The music was terrific as well and way ahead of its time in regards to animated series.

I think that once Darkseid entered the show, it became even better because the story lines involving him pretty much knocked it out of the park in regards to what the show was capable of (emotion, drama, action, suspense, etc). He's easily one of the greatest villains in the DCAU and in general, and he never felt more menacing in his subsequent appearances. Overall, the only other show in the DCAU that comes close in my opinion is Batman: TAS, and I'm happy to own both on DVD along with the rest of the DCAU series. This is easily the definitive take on the Superman universe.

Before it makes dollars, it must make sense.


I'll voice the unpopular opinion and say that this is even BETTER than Batman as a result of the creators knowing both their abilities and limitations more, as well as having a cohesive story structure.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I"m actually a wee bit disappointed with this show so far. I was expecting it to be truly great, because I loved Batman TAS, Batman Beyond, and Justice League, so was expecting this to be of the same standard.

But this show while having some great episodes, also had some which I just didn't care much for and even felt like fast forwarding- something which hardly ever happened in the above shows. Not that they were bad episodes exactly, I probably would have loved them if I was a kid, but not really as an adult.

Although admittedly I haven't finished it yet, I'm at season 2 episode 21.

And like i said, some episodes were still amazing eg the one I just saw, "The late Mr Kent". And I loved the first three intro episodes "The last son of Krypton".

So it's still a very good show- I would probably rate season 1 a 7, and season 2 an 8 perhaps. But it's just in comparison to JL/Batman, where the first two seasons were around 8-10.

However, maybe I would have been better off watching this before Justice league, since several villains appear in that, so perhaps that's diminished their impact somehow, but I've tried to be unbiased.

One thing I do agree though is that this show has better continuity than Batman TAS.

EDIT- ok now that i've seen end of season 2 and all of season 3, this show most definitely was the best at the end. Season 3 was brilliant!
I just wish they had more episodes like that in first one and a half seasons.

"The shadows betray you, because they belong to me"


I actually thought this was the best of all the DCAU shows. The animation and sense of continuity were superior to Batman: TAS, Tim Daly's fantastic voice acting as Superman and Clark Kent were far superior to George Newbern in Justice League (Newbern was mostly pretty good, but would get too high-pitched at times), and maybe most importantly, it's the one DCAU show that just kept getting better as it progressed and finished on its highest note. The last season was packed full of great Darkseid episodes and Legacy is my choice for the greatest episode in the entire DCAU.


While this show is mostly praised by fans, I don't think it gets the amount of praise it deserves.

On a pure structural level, it's superior to BTAS. It starts off with a 3-part origin story and goes from there. The show just seems more like an ongoing saga than Batman did. It has more arcs and story progression. As much as I adore BTAS(I really, really do) my one big complaint was lack of narrative flow. Aside from the occasional 2-parter, the structure was too serialized.

I love the style of it all too. Just like how BTAS is like a greatest hits of Batman visually, so is STAS. It's like the lighter art-deco cousin of BTAS. The animation is also top notch. Smooth, bright and dynamic. I'll even say it has better action than BTAS.

I love the characterization of Clark/Supes the most out of any on screen adaptation yet. He's a boy-scout, but not obnoxiously so. He's a perfect mixture of kinda dorky, but smart and charismatic.

I love BTAS and STAS damn near as much as each other. Batman only gets the slight edge for more consistently interesting villains and Batman was my first true superhero love :)

reply way in hell this was better than Justice League, which was simply the ultimate culmination of DCAU creativity and talent; variety, animation, voice and stories/writing.

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


I have to agree. My vote is for BTAS followed by Justice League followed by STAS.
And Batman Beyond doesn't come anywhere near.
