MovieChat Forums > Superman: The Animated Series (1996) Discussion > It's funny but I think I like Lex Luthor...

It's funny but I think I like Lex Luthor better in this than...

any other version. There's something about a multibillionare scientist/industrialist who actually does bad things but doesn't get caught. I like it better than the guy everyone knows is a criminal and gets captured by Superman. But this is much better.

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


Yeah I like this version better as well. It's the Post-crisis version.


Agreed. I was sorry when they decided to change him back to the Mad Scientist persona in the comic books recently.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.




The DCAU Lex was the best Lex by far.



DCAU stands for DC Animated Universe, referring to all the DC based animated shows (Batman The Animated Series, Superman The Animated series, Justice League, etc) handled by Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, etc.


Couldn't you have just said, "I agree with you dnljack?"

"We are Venom, now!" Venom/Eddie Brock Spider-Man Tv Series 1994


I know the post crisis Lew Luthor is loosly inspired by Hackman's "Rich Man" Luthor but the idea has evolved. They should make Luthor like this in the movies instead of just continuing the "Hackman" portrayal.


I agree, but SV's version is a younger, version of the post-Crisis one.

As You Can See, I'm A Lot Happier- Joker 89


Hugh? Hackman's character isn't portrayed as rich. Eccentric, yes; but, not "rich." That was original to John Byrne. Hackman's Luthor was still pretty in keeping with the comics, minus the suit and bald head (until the end).

This version was a nice mixture of both eras. Luthor is the evil billionaire; but, his empire is built on his scientific genius.

My personal favorite is Elliot S! Maggin's version, in the Superman novels (and some of his comic stories), as his Lex is a pretty complex character, with some noble traits. This version has great charm, but still misses some of that complexity.

"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"



Funny, that's why I love this version of Lex. He's arrogant and power hungry. He does have a wry sense of humor, but it isn't a joke-fest with this guy. He has an extremely dry sense of humor which is what makes this Luthor so intimidating. He'll say something very very sinister but come off with a nonchalant attitude about it. Hackman I suppose did the same thing, but his Luthor was just too much of a comedian. For this version, Lex says terrifying things, but in such a charming way that it just adds humor to a serious situation.

Notice in this exchange in which after Brainiac destroys the LexCorp computer network. The computer engineers tell Lex: "It'll take years to get these systems working again."
Lex responds- "You have two weeks." (Completely dismissive)

Unlike the Joker, Lex on this show gains his humor from being arrogant. He's not meant to be a funny character, but he's also capable of saying funny things through his jerkitude.



Good points. But take this exchange from "A Little Piece of Home."

One of Lex's scientists have double-crossed him and he orders him off-screen to fake a dangerous invitation for Superman.

Lex- Ah Peterson, Mercy will take you home tonight, won't you my dear? (Referring to Mercy)
Peterson- No! I mean...I can see myself home.
Lex- But I insist. Metropolis can be such a dangerous city, Peterson. I'd hate to wake up tomorrow and find that something terrible had happened to you.
Cue Peterson looking up to a domineering Mercy who smiles at him.

THAT's funny and sick at the same time. The humor is completely dry. It's actually pretty damn scary, especially for a cartoon. That's what I love about this Lex. As you stated, his humor comes from his complete arrogance and his sociopathic tendencies. He just does not give a crap about people. I absolutely love how Lex plays the straight man whenever Joker arrives. Of course Lex isn't funny around him. When he has people killed, it's never played for laughs. When Joker kills people, it's always sickeningly funny.

The John Shea Lex's dialogue scene would actually be right at home with the STAS Lex. It's something he would say, but probably in a more dismissively indifferent way.


You obviously haven't read the comics this Luthor is based on. John Byrne's version of Luthor was a very angry man. Just read Man of Steel Volume 2.

When the Story Lady tells us about the naughty boy who blew up his goldfish.

