Pick your top three incarnations of Superman(films, shows, games, etc
Richard Donner movies
Fleischer cartoons
Superman TAS
Richard Donner movies
Fleischer cartoons
Superman TAS
Superman the Movie.
Superman TAS
John Byrne's Superman.
Can't stop the signal.
Agree with John Byrne's "Man of Steel" series. Probably my favorite.
I'd go with Action Comics new 52 and Superman TAS as my other two.
John Byrne's
Bruce Timm's
(And yes) Zach Snyder's
Lois and Clark
Superman: TAS
Superman the movie
What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way - Action Comics issue 775
Superman TAS
none of this makes sense.
Lois and Clark
Superman (original comics) #295-300
Smallville started off weakly -- the first four seasons are all too often the "Kryptonite Menace Of The Week". But after that it actually managed to get steadily better, the only series for which this seems true. Only the final season, as they smooshed two season-worthy story arcs into a single season and did not do either the kind of justice they needed, suffers.
Lois and Clark wasn't, technically, a Superman show, being as it were about... Lois & Clark. Superman was just a side portion of what the show was about. Unfortunately, the female fans of the show demanded the show runners marry L & C, and, equally unfortunately, they gave in. As I predicted beforehand, this ruined the show -- it changed the dynamic of the series -- no longer was it "Lois and Clark" -- it became "Mr & Mrs Superman".
The comics in question, there's one single panel that has stuck with me for decades. Clark is getting dressed in the morning, to head to work (he played an on-air newsanchor at this point, IIRC). He's in his dress shirt and boxers, and he puts on his pants.... by hopping into them. Subtle, but beautiful: "He's NOT just like you and me... he DOESN'T put his pants on one leg at a time."