I just saw a movie with Shannon Sturges (Reece) in. What the hell is with the accent?! She didn't have a southern accent at all and she looked completely different! This was a movie from 1998, so only a year after 'Savannah'. But I actually said out loud "Oh my god!" LOL. It was just really weird to see her in jeans, a jacket, not much make-up, 'normal' hair, and talking without the strong southern accent. Really weird. If I hadn't known she was in it, I would have never known it was her. I seriously wouldn't. Incredible.
I know Jamie Luner (Peyton) does have a southern accent, not quite as much as her character, but her voice is a little alike. I've never seen Robyn Lively (Lane) in anything else though. Anyone know how she speaks? I always liked her and Shannon the best :-)
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle!