It's really complicated, isn't it? :p However, in terms of sexuality, I still firmly maintain that while in male form, Seiya cannot be defined as being a lesbian, as such would require "him" to be a "her". Now, when in female Starlight form, it can apply. I don't feel it really matters what Seiya's true form is, as again, when in male form, "he" has all the physical characteristics of masculinity. Sort of like....
If someone is born is a woman and is homosexual, but at one point has a sex change, I don't think they would still technically be considered a lesbian anymore, as they are now physically a male.
So, in conclusion, I think that while Seiya is in male form, if we presume by the attraction to Usagi, "he" is straight. But when he transforms into a female starlight, "she" is a lesbian.
I hope I got that out right. :p