Is there any video

Is there any video showing how the magic was done? I mean, the technicalities of it? It looks very impressive :)


Not that I know of but a lot of it is simply stop motion kind of like how they do clay animation. They pause the filming, add in what pops in and then resume filming. It's a simple trick anyone can do. Other tricks might be split screen kind of how they did the classic Disney movie Parent Trap to create twins.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."


Not that I know of but a lot of it is simply stop motion kind of like how they do clay animation. They pause the filming, add in what pops in and then resume filming. It's a simple trick anyone can do. Other tricks might be split screen kind of how they did the classic Disney movie Parent Trap to create twins.

Really? Gee, thanks for telling us information that anyone who's ever watched TV or a movie already knows. Next, you'll be saying that Jaws is about a shark.
