'The n-word'

There was an episode where the little red-haired boy called his African-American friend a *beep* and he punched him. But I never finished watching that episode. What happened in it?
My assumption is that the little kid didn't understand that that was a derogatory word and probably heard another black person call his/her black friends that word.


The little kid had heard LT call his friends that and therefore didn't know how serious it really was. You are right.


THE "N" word OOOOHHH What are you a little kid just say the damn word *beep* ! It doesnt make you a racist !

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


Um, no, I'm not a little kid, but I posted that word on another board (not as an insult toward anyone, we were discussing the word) and it was bleeped out, so to avoid that I said it without actually saying it.
Don't be so mean.


I noticed when I tried to type it LOL Its all good : )

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


